A mercenary-turned civilian-turned mercenary again, Torrjm (tohr-imm) is a mercenary/bounty hunter of lance and scouting prestige, currently navigating the chaos involved with keeping her life together as she builds herself up from (and routinely knocks herself back down to) a brutal rock bottom.Witty, brazen, vulgar and hopelessly nihilistic beneath it all thanks to years upon years of sellsword work from all shades of gray, Torrjm is jarringly intense in combat, graceless in conversation, hedonistic to a dangerous fault... and above all else, fiercely loyal to the few who earn her respect.

at-a-glance bio

Name: Torrjm ("tohr-imm"; no surname, no city name)
Age: Appears around early 30s
Gender & Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Occupation: mercenary, bounty hunter
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Character traits:

  • Over a decade of combat expertise. An expert lancer and a longtime mercenary willing to weather even the darkest of jobs for the right gil, and wears the stories in the scars across her skin. She excels in high acrobatics, fast reflexes, and pure power, and has berserker tendencies.

  • Trained hunter and scout. Her original calling before she left Golmore, Torrjm puts her tracking and hunting skills to work as a bounty hunter. She relies heavily on her heightened senses of touch, hearing and smell in a fight.

  • Brash, surly, social, crass. Crude and a bit of a slob, Torrjm isn't afraid of anybody, reports to no one, and isn't afraid to pick a fight. This also means she can strike up a friendly conversation with most anyone (so long as they can tolerate her crassness and her offhanded flirting tendencies), and can even be the life of a party if allowed to indulge.

  • Pragmatic, honest, good-natured, loyal. While boorish and not the most intelligent, Torr has a big heart behind a lot of swagger. She is bluntly honest, uncultured and not the most socially graceful, but she is generally well-meaning until she has reason not to be.

  • Self-destructive and hedonistic. Constant substance abuse. Indulges intensely in most anything she can. Workaholic. Money problems. A little sleazy. Short-tempered, defensive, slow to trust. Fiercely private about her personal life.

physical notes

  • upper half of left ear missing

  • littered with scars of varying severity generally wherever skin is showing, including one down her chin and one across the bridge of her nose

  • generally always somewhat buzzed and/or smelling of booze

  • generally always looks sleep-deprived

  • tall (6'4" before the ears); twiggy frame, athletic build with obvious muscle

  • huge, thick, unkempt, waist-length hair, with split-end waves that might have been curly if she took care of it; especially huge and wild when taken out of ponytail

  • black, full-sleeve tattoos on both arms resembling a jagged, tree bark-like pattern (and marred up with scars)

  • medium to low vocal range

  • unfeminine and unsophisticated in general carriage and mannerisms outside combat; surprisingly graceful in the air or in a fight

rp hooks

  • Sellswords, adventurers, healers and apothecaries: Torrjm is a mercenary of over a decade. She could have worked alongside or against your character for a job more or less anywhere across Eorzea, or could have been hired by, connected with, or patched up by them, too. Renowned scholars with a particular expertise may have had her come knocking for advice towards a tough job she was about to run.

  • Hunters and the hunted: Torrjm is scary enough in combat, but her strongest skills are in scouting, tracking, and hunting down targets, which includes bounty hunting and monster hunting. She's an easy and highly recommended hire for jobs of this nature, whether by your character or of your character.

  • Backalley & underworld types: It's also plausible to have vaguely heard about her from within backalley and underworld city circles as a no-nonsense, rather intense mercenary who takes on most any job. She has a long-standing and persistent presence in the three major cities.

  • Gamblers, goofballs & good-timers: Considering her hedonistic tendencies, it's entirely possible to have mingled with Torr in her off-time one way or another. Gambling at the Golden Saucer, drinking at some dive bar, even a foggy one-night stand she might not even remember.

  • New Gridania, the Shroud: Longtime inhabitants or frequent visitors within a specific window of time may have known or even worked with Torrjm.

  • Viera, Dalmascans: Torrjm is from a traditionalist Rava tribe in the Golmore Jungle. Though she wasn't in Dalmasca long, it's possible to have crossed paths.

  • Nothing here works? I'm happy to thinktank something more personalized that would work if there's interest. DM away!


(periodically updated because boy howdy am I a loser)

player info

Pronouns: she/her
Age: 30s
Timezone: ET
I'm a writer and artist who has been RPing and DMing since I was very smol across many MMOs, forums, and LARPs. I'm a massive gamer and play a wide variety of things, but the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole is dear to me. I sometimes take art commissions but don't maintain a public gallery, so please reach out if this is something you're interested in!Torrjm is my main and only character on FFXIV, and on her I do pretty much all PvE things except Savage content. I'm usually happy to help out other players where I can.I enjoy RP flavors of most any kind, but in particular am a huge sucker for gritty, dark, gray-morality RP with high stakes and realistic fallout. I love being a part of others' character arcs and storylines. I am comfortable with mature content across the board, but am not seeking out ERP with strangers.I'm fine with RP in most locations and prefer small groups. Public RP venues are okay for an occasional change of scenery, but I tend to avoid them by default. Discord RP is doable by specific request.